Fri, 07 March

Hurling Skill Cards

Batting a ball overhead

Batting a Ball Overhead

GAA Hurling
Batting a ball overhead is used mostly by defenders and midfielders to prevent the sliotar from passing through and play it back it the direction that it came from.
Batting a ball overhead Technique

Batting a Ball Overhead Technique

GAA Hurling
Batting a ball overhead Practice the technique.


GAA Hurling
Dribbling is a hurling technique used to move the sliotar along the ground in order to avoid opponents or to place the ball in a better position for striking. It may be performed with one hand on the hurley but using two hands will provide more control.
Dribble Technique

Dribble Technique

GAA Hurling
Dribble Practice the technique.
Frontal Block

Frontal Block

GAA Hurling
The Frontal Block, or frontal Air Block, is a tackling technique used to block an opponent attempting to strike the sliotar from the hand, or double in the air.
Frontal Block Technique

Frontal Block Technique

GAA Hurling
Frontal Block practice the technique.
Grip and Swing

Grip and Swing

GAA Hurling
These activities allow the coach to determine whether the Hurley in the correct size and weight for the player.
Grip and Swing Technique

Grip and Swing Technique

GAA Hurling
Grip and Swing practice the technique.
Ground Strike

Ground Strike

GAA Hurling
Striking the ball on the ground is one of the most important techniques in Hurling. It is important that players are encouraged to strike from the dominant and non-dominant side from an early age.
Ground Strike Technique

Ground Strike Technique

GAA Hurling
Ground Strike Practice the technique.
Hand Pass

Hand Pass

GAA Hurling
The Hand Pass is used to pass the sliotar over shorter distances by striking it with the palm and fingers of the hand.
Hand Pass Technique

Hand Pass Technique

GAA Hurling
Hand Pass Practice the technique.


GAA Hurling
The Hook is a tackling technique used to prevent an opponent from striking the ball on the ground or from the hand. It involves hooking or deflecting the swing of the Hurley from behind the opponent.
Hook Technique

Hook Technique

GAA Hurling
Hook Practice the technique.
Jab Lift

Jab Lift

GAA Hurling
The Jab Lift is used to raise the sliotar from the ground into the hand. Normally used when the player is on the run. Can also be used to raise the sliotar to strike without taking into the hand.
Jab Lift Technique

Jab Lift Technique

GAA Hurling
Jab Lift Practice the Technique.
Overhead Catch

Overhead Catch

GAA Hurling
The Overhead Catch is used to gain possession when the sliotar is approaching above head height. Requires excellent hand eye coordination.
Overhead Catch Technique

Overhead Catch Technique

GAA Hurling
Overhead Catch Practice the technique.
Roll Lift

Roll Lift

GAA Hurling
The Roll Lift is used to raise the sliotar from the ground into the hand. Generally used when the player is stationary. Can also be used to raise the sliotar to strike without taking the sliotar into the hand.
Roll Lift Technique

Roll Lift Technique

GAA Hurling
Roll Lift Practice the technique.
Solo Run

Solo Run

GAA Hurling
The Solo Run is used to carry the sliotar to a better position, or to get away from an opponent. The sliotar may be carried balanced on the Hurley, or bounced on the Hurley.
Solo Run Technique

Solo Run Technique

GAA Hurling
Solo Run Practice the technique.
Striking from Hand

Striking from the Hand

GAA Hurling
Striking from the hand is the most common method of passing the sliotar or shooting for a score in Hurling. It is important that players are taught to strike from the dominant and non-dominant side from an early age.
Striking from the Hand Technique

Striking from Hand Technique

GAA Hurling
Striking from Hand Practice the technique.