Sat, 22 February

Camogie Go Games Policy

Policy Statement

The Camogie Association is committed to providing a graduated playing introduction to the game of camogie. The Go Games ethos allows for players of all abilities to participate in our games in a fun, learning and safe environment.


Camogie Go Games refers to a games development pathway that is aligned to the Camogie Association player pathway and is for players from U7, U8, U9, U10, U11 and U12.

Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure a structured, standardised and unified approach to the development of young players in Camogie. The long-term aim of the Go Games structure is to allow all players in the Go Games age to develop at their own pace and be exposed to the game in a graduated way. All players playing Go Games should experience meaningful game time in a number of different positions over a playing year. Go Games are child centred and developmentally appropriate by the utilisation of small sided games.

The exposure of young players to this type of games development pathway will ensure that they are exposed to positive experiences of the game of Camogie.


This policy applies to each County Board, club and educational unit responsible for the organisation of Go Games Blitzes, matches and mini leagues. Each County Board, club and educational unit must be aware of and comply with the provisions of this policy.

All units and members of the Camogie Association are bound by the rules of the Camogie Association, please see rule 3.1 of the Official Guide.

The organisation of Go Games by all county boards must comply with Rule 33.10

Rule 33.10

All games activities organised for all players aged U12 by all units of the Association must be:

  • Child centred.
  • Small sided games.
  • Developmentally appropriate.
  • Provide all players with meaningful playing time.


Any members, clubs, county executives or affiliated unit that does not comply with Camogie Association policy on Go Games will be subject to sanction. This sanction will be at the discretion of the relevant provincial council.

Player eligibility for Go Games;

28.4. A player must meet the following age criteria in order to be eligible to participate in competitions:

U12; Be Under 12 and Over 8 ‘Under’ means that a player must be under the age limit by midnight on the 31st December of the year prior to the playing year. ‘Over’ means a player must be over the age limit by midnight 31st December of the year prior to the playing year

For breaches of the above Rule, the penalty is the awarding of the game to the opposing team where applicable and a suspension of up to six months to the person(s) in charge of the team in which the breach is committed (Also see Rule 44 for player playing illegally).

Defining Camogie Go Games

Go Games are small-sided versions of Camogie and Hurling which have been devised for children up to and including 12 years of age. The following are the key underpinning principles of Go Games:

  • All participants play in the full game.
  • Participant needs are catered for, where possible, on the basis of 1year age cohorts i.e. U7, U8, U9, U10, U11 & U/2 in a manner consistent with the ethos of Go Games.
  • Activities are structured in a manner which optimises the level of fun, friendship, fair play and achievement derived by participants.
  • Participants train and play in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment where they are encouraged to risk error, to learn and to derive maximum enjoyment from their involvement.
  • Players master the basic skills of Camogie and experience the sense of accomplishment, which derives from acquiring playing proficiency on the left and right-hand side of the body.
  • Everybody involved in Go Games, whether as players, parents/guardians, spectators, mentors, teachers, officials etc., should adhere to the key underpinning principles and give expression to the GAA ‘Give Respect, Get Respect’ initiative.

Organising Go Games

✓ Go Games may be organised by a Club, county board/divisional boards, or Primary Schools.
✓ Counties can organise U7 & U9 blitzes as required.
✓ U7 and U9 Go Games Camogie shall be organised on a blitz format only annually.
✓ Go Games in the U11 age groups shall be organised on a blitz format between March to June annually.
✓ An U11 Go Games league can be organised by county boards from August 1st to September 31st annually. Clubs participating in an U11 Go Games league must first participate in at least 2 Go Games Blitzes.
✓ Go Games in the U12 age groups shall be organised on a blitz and league format annually. Clubs participating in an U12 Go Games league must first participate in at least 3 blitzes organised by their respective county board.

Go Games Regulations - U/7 to U/12

The following Go Games Regulations shall apply:

✓ Go Games are subject to general rules of the Association.
✓ Full camogie gear to be worn for all matches (jersey/skorts or skirts /socks/helmet) Shinguards are recommended are recommended up to U12.
✓ Teams shall be a maximum of:

  • U6 & U7 maximum 7-a-side.
  • U8 & U9 maximum 8-a-side.
  • U10 & U11 maximum 11 -a- side.
  • U12 maximum 13 -a-side.

✓ Participants may play up as the age criteria rule in the official guide allows. (28.4)
✓ No provision is made to publish scores, to play on a knock-out basis nor to include semi-finals, finals etc. in Go Games blitzes at any age group.
✓ No provision is made to present trophies, cups etc. Where certificates/medals are presented in lieu of participation, the same certificate/medal must be presented to every participant at Go Games Blitzes.

Go Games Leagues at U11 and U12


  1. U11 and U12 Leagues are subject to general rules of the Association.
  2. Full camogie gear to be worn for all matches (jersey/skorts or skirts /socks/helmet)
  3. Clubs must participate in at least 2 cluster blitzes’ at U11 and 3 at U12 level before being eligible to participate in the U11 and U12 leagues.
  4. Provision may be made for semi-final and finals to take place, provided that participating teams have played a minimum of 4 league/qualifier games.
  5. Provision may be made for the presentation of medals, trophies/cups.
  6. The length of the playing field will be no longer than 105m long (20m line - 20m line) for U11 and no longer 65m and no narrower that 40m for U11.
  7. Unlimited substitutions may be made during a game to optimise participation.
  8. Every player must experience game time in every league game.
  9. Leagues at U11 and U12 age may be organised on a match or a blitz basis. Games may be organised involving county boards, clubs and primary school on an internal (i.e. single unit) or external (i.e. multiple unit) basis.
  10. Teams should be a maximum of 11-a-side for U11 and 13- a -side for U12.
  11. See appendices 1 for pitch dimensions for each age.
  12. Everybody involved in games at U11 and U12, whether as players, parents/guardians, spectators, mentors, teachers, officials etc., should adhere to the key underpinning principles and give expression to the GAA ‘Give Respect, Get Respect’ initiative.

Go Games Playing Rules

  • The recommended Playing Rules for Go Games Camogie and Hurling are provided in Appendices 1.
  • These are provided by way of best practice recommendations and can be adapted to meet localised needs.
  • Where units from different counties play a game, these Playing Rules will be used.

Agreed by Ard Chomhairle in December 2019
Reviewed Quarter 4, 2019